
47 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses

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Well Programmed

Theres not much to say about this, as it's not much of a flash animation; but it is very well programmed. It was perfectly accurate, well done.

Nice, but...

There were a few things that got to me.

First of all, the way you used the music. The music didn't quite fit in with the flash. You just played the tracks over the flash without them fitting in to well with what was going on (except for the sadness and sorrow one which fitted in nicely). It felt to me as though I was listening to my Ipod whilst watching the flash, and the music and animation just didn't quite go together (I actually have final destination and Show no tears on my Ipod, though that is irrelivent.)

Secondly, I can clearly see that you are a very good sprite animator however there were a few parts of the animation where I just thought; 'Meh'. The fight scene was where I felt this the most. It felt more like turn based combat rather than a proper fight at some points (although you did an excellent job on some parts). For example you had sonic & Mecha sonic running side by side for about 5 seconds. That was pretty boring fight wise. To make stuff like that more interesting, maybe have mecha sonic shooting at sonic whilst sonic dodges the shots or something along those lines. In a fight to the death the fight should be epic, and I know you have the potential to incorporate better stuff into a scene like that.

Finally, the drama with falco and sonics transformation, just wasn't very dramatic. You may have chosen a good song, but the whole thing just didn't seem believable, neither did it feel entirely sad. I think it could have been improved with some more sound effects, for example a cry of pain as falco is obliterated.

These are just my thoughts though. I'm probably being a bit harsh with my review; I know I'm no animator, and I've also been stunned recently by the brilliance of SMBZep8, however I'm sure you can understand why I can't give you a 10 with something like that out there. Keep up the animating though, its obvious you have great potential.

Absolutley Brilliant

Once again Alvin, you surpass all expectations and somehow manage to make an episode that is even more epic than those before it. I really liked the hand drawn close ups and even the 3D stuff was cool, even though it may not have fitted the style perfectly. I really look forward to the next episode.


When I saw in the reviews that this was similar to the Madness series, I was very doubtful that I would enjoy this flash. I've hatred all the Madness games and movies on Newgrounds (just my opinion) so I thought I would hate this to. Fortunatly, you made this differently. All I can say is that I am so glad I pressed play, it had had me glued to the screen throughout. I loved every minute of it, from start to finish. If you are making a BunnyKill5 then please go along the same lines as this, because this is pure awesome.


The ending was completely unexpected. I never would have seen it coming.
The parody of Rise of the mushroom kingdom was hilarious also.
Very nicely done overall. Keep up the good work.

hrechkaness responds:

thx a lot i wasn't sure if people were going to get outake three so i was a little skeptical on putting it on here. im glad you liked it thx for the review :D

Dear God Where to Begin?

First of all I lost all hope of this being decent by the fact that you used the Icon from SMBZ ep 7 for your movie. Instant failure, always use something origional and that is part of your work.

Second, the only way I could play this was by right clicking the blue screen and clicking forward. Chances are no-one else figured that out so any other reviews you'll get are likely to be compalining that all you put here was a blue screen. WIther that or my comp's playing up on me.

Even if thats the case:

Make the damn sprite contrast with the background. Don't have a white/black box around it.

Also, give it a proper background, not a blue screen.

Also, use a proper flash program, even spam is better animated than this.

FInally, learn how to animate before ever posting anything on Newgrounds, ever again.


Now don't get me wrong with this, I like your flashes but there are a few things about this that just make me wonder; why is this in the top 50 submissions of all time on NG? Lets be honest its not your greatest piece of work, nor is it very long at all! What really gets to me is that the reason this flash is so popular is because you have so many fans who would click 5/5 before even watching it.
Ok, this is why I have given it a 2:

First, Its way to short. I'm not saying that this would have been better by making it longer, I'm saying it would be much more worthy of being in the top 50 if it were in one of your 'Awsome Complications'. They were certainly more worthy of their trophies. Why have you abandoned them?

Secondly, its barely funny in my opinion. First of all, like alot of people I don't play GoW2 so the humour that would be understood by someone who played the game, just doesn't make me laugh. In fact I didn't smile... Sorry :(

Finally, the Pshyco fans. Now I'm sure it is amazing to have so many fan's of your flashes but, like I stated earlier, they'd give you 5/5 & 10/10 just because it's you! (Not all your fans but some). My point about them will likely be proved when this gets a tonne of negative votes for giving you a score below 9. This just annoys me so much. Theres are hundreds, if not thousands of promising flash artists here on newgrounds. A select few such as yourself have soared to the top and get all the attention. The others need tp create a total masterpiece to get noticed. You just have to make one which doesn't suck. I've seen hundreds of epic flashes on Newgrounds, some of which are all but forgotton because they're not noticed by many people.

For this to be 10/10 in the future for me you would have to:
Do more - This is to short, make another complication or similar!
Humour for all - This only appealsto players of the game from my point of view. Some of your other flashes are hilarious whether you play the game or not. This isn't the case.
Give the pshyco fans a proper reason to give you the best rating.

I know you just make these to entertain but next time... please make watching it more worthwhile.

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